
Know our history

asesor financiero personal
asesor financiero personal
charlotte tax help

Your progress and lifestyle improvement is our commitment.

Our goal is to empower and guide you on your professional and personal growth journey. Let us help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

With more than 20 years of experience in the market, we have established ourselves as an expert company in accounting solutions and tax declaration for entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs and people from our community in the Carolinas. Our vision is to promote the financial and personal growth of our entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs, through formality and legality.

We are faithfully committed to progress, well-being and a dignified lifestyle for Latino communities, through empowerment as entrepreneurs, future entrepreneurs and better human beings.

What moves us

At BeeTax, we are faithful to what moves us, what inspires us, what connects us with our clients and what motivates us to continue with our mission; a mission that surpasses us, a mission that makes us deliver everything every day, a mission that is born from an experience of self-improvement and growth, and that is consolidated every day in the faces of each of our collaborators. Mission that today is solidified in 2 great pillars:

    • Create well-being for companies and entrepreneurs of our community, through practical accounting solutions.
    • We prioritize the growth and development of our team through a leadership and empathy-focused model. Our goal is to cultivate a team of strong leaders who are also empathetic and understanding individuals.
asesor financiero personal

More than 20 years

of experience

We have successfully advised
more than 200 companies and
helped more than 2000
people of our

asesor financiero personal
asesor financiero personal

Discover our solutions

Growing Together at BeeTax!

With years of experience under our belt, we possess the expertise in state and federal laws necessary to handle any tax-related procedure with ease and accuracy. Trust us to guide you through the process and help you achieve your financial goals.

asesor financiero personal
impuestos de un negocio

Our Team


Sorel Perez


A Latina businesswoman with over 20 years of experience in tax return, accounting, auditing, and insurance, founded Beetax to assist other Latino entrepreneurs in building strong foundations for their businesses. As an administrator and financial professional, Sorel's goal is to help others succeed.

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Paola Quispe

Gerente general

A professional with a Bachelor of Business Administration and Human Resources, with experience in payroll, accounting, and creating new businesses. Her priority is to provide solutions and clear doubts for her clients and she is an expert in managing and advising on QuickBooks Online.

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Grace Westreicher

Gerente general
Monroe NC

With over 15 years of experience in the Monroe area preparing personal and business taxes, is a well-known and respected member of our team. Based in the Monroe, NC headquarters, she dedicates herself to helping Hispanic entrepreneurs in the area by providing the advice they need to achieve their goals.


Jessica Morales

Operation Manager

Accountant by profession with more than 18 years of experience and specialist in internal control and financial, tax and insurance audits. Adviser in Spanish and English in the elaboration of business taxes with the compliance that the law requires in each type of company. She is an expert in handling quickbooks online.

New Project

Bianca Perez


With over 10 years of experience managing construction and remodeling companies, is an expert in bookkeeping, business and personal tax preparation. She also advises clients on commercial, property, and life insurance. 

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hilda romero



A holder of a degree in Accounting and Business Administration, has over 10 years of experience in advising clients on various aspects of their business such as company formation, insurance, taxes, accounting, payroll, and audits. She finds great satisfaction in providing comprehensive support to her clients. 

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Joselyn Elizondo


With over 10 years of experience in personal and small business tax preparation, is an expert in advising clients on legal matters, including notarizations, forms, employment contracts, rental contracts, and business loan management.


Valentina Valenzuela

Community Manager

Community Manager, Graphic Designer and Photographer, Social Media Specialist. In charge of monitoring the growth of our company, creator of content. Passionate about connecting with customers in a simpler and more genuine way through social networks. 


Marjorie Salazar

front desk

A Bachelor of Administrative Sciences with a background in accounting and experience in human resources and customer service. Enjoys professional challenges and is dedicated to finding team solutions for clients, whether through in-person interactions or over the phone. 


Alexa Quispe


A Business Engineer with a certification in Project Management (PMI), experience in Accounting, and payroll. She is an expert in using Excel to create charts and graphs that assist clients in making informed decisions for the growth and development of their companies.

Maribel Puga

front desk

With over 4 years of experience in customer service, this professional is a specialist in creating insurance policies. 
She is highly organized and efficient in collecting customer documents, and always provides 
excellent solutions to meet customer needs. She enjoys taking on new challenges and is always eager to learn new topics.